Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Genuine Community ...

Let it be known that there was never anyone who ever said living as a community was ever easy. Even a family living together under one roof could experience periodic squabbles amongst siblings or even between both husband and wife what more to say total strangers from different background staying together. Yet that doesn't mean it is impossible but what makes it possible requires effort and foresight which can best be seen within the Carmelite community/ monastery.
Not too far from the present formation house there is a Carmelite monastery consisting of approximately twenty nuns mostly elderly in terms of age. The Carmelites known for their strict contemplative life is basically totally engaged in prayers and is considered as the 'heart' of a diocese with the local ordinary as their 'protector'.
Community life in the Carmelites is considered by many as the extreme and vocation to the Carmelites are extremely rare and for those who enter are usually I believe those who have given it much thought or discernment and able to cut off ties with the secular world and only focusing on God and a life of prayer.

Whatever it is, one can't imagine the beauty of community living within the confines of the monastery. How is it possible that a group of twenty nuns able to live together under one roof each and every day of their life without any kind of 'escape' from the others (as being Carmelites they are not allowed to venture out unless the need to visit the doctors or necessary). Compare this situation with other congregation or even diocesan priests, at least if we are not happy or have trouble with another brother within the community we can very well be patient and wait for 'free-day' during the weekend to leave the formation house and to de-stress one-self but for the Carmelites that option is never available. They are in so many ways stuck with each other through thick and thin - good times and bad to venture together as one community and to learn to respect and accept each other as lovingly as Christ did. This is the beauty of the Carmelites and within the walls of the monastery I can't help but believe that God is really present there encouraging and helping each and every Carmelite to live the community life with the main focus on God. It is only through the foresight of knowing that the ultimate prize is God and the acceptance of God being the 'super-glue' within the community would it then be possible for the existence of a genuine community living.


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