Saturday, June 8, 2013

Christ's most important commandment...

'You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:36-40)

What has been shared from the gospel of Matthew on the greatest or important commandment of Jesus Christ has most frequently being overlooked or not given importance or emphasis. There are many of us who tend to focus on a few commandments and usually these would be commandments which are convenient to us or which we feel are more comfortable with rather than focussing on the most important commandment which is as shared above.
The formation house unfortunately is not spared from such an embarrassing situation as after all we here are all humans with our weaknesses and frailties. There are those who seem to be extremely 'holy', with postures and gestures akin to those of a 'saint' when in the chapel or church or in front of authority but tend to be the opposite when dealing with fellow brother seminarian. There will be hatred, indifference, or pompous or looking down at others - but come to time for prayer in the chapel the individual will display a totally different personality and outlook.
Sadly enough this is also extended to priests who are seen as aloof, indifference or selective in terms of their friends/ parishioners which I have experienced before. These kind of priest surely gives a bad impression to the general community on the kind of priests within the community and will also give the perception to seminarians that it doesn't matter in that priests can be selective on who are their friends and the mixture which surely are those from the financially better off members of the community. Even when such a situation is present there are many instances where the local ordinary/Bishops seems not to be interested to caution the priest or even comment on the matter. Instead it is left as if nothing happens or the action is permissible within the community of priests or perhaps the local ordinary himself is subscribing to similar or the same policy.
It never cease to baffles me on how people could be like that or act / treat others in such a manner especially in the priest formation house where an air of arrogance can be felt within the atmosphere without any kind of guilt and remorse. Yet these individual(s) can still continue to be in here without an ounce of humility. Perhaps this is how God operates in that the years of formation will eventually formed the individual into what God has planned and that the individual will bend low and really be humble and if that is so I hope it will come to fruition and be for the benefit of the individual and community.

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