Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Dried Apricot

Many people thought that once an individual enters the formation house ...all is being taken care for by those on top. Seminarians are only required to pray and study while the rest are well taken care of by certain people.

If that is the idea of most people then I must protest and correct it as it is not that all rosy in the formation house. Seminarians are required to do their own laundry or in groups, potter around, clean the compound, clean the toilets and bathrooms, sacristy responsibilities and much more. That is on top of being responsible for one's own room. Cooking is of course being taken care by the cook and the rest is to be the responsibility of the seminarians or a group of seminarians.

I am feeling so tired after finishing some duties assigned to me and now my body is aching as if I a dried apricot being sucked out its juices. But I take consolation in that I will have a good night's sleep tonight compared to last night where I was not able to have a sound sleep. I kept on waking up every few hours perhaps missing my bed and the air condition at home compared to the environment I am sleeping in now at the formation house which is rather simple ! The vow of simplicity indeed.

There has not been any news on the exams results held on the first term, slight delay perhaps and every one seems to be eager wanting to know the outcome. I do not how good I fare at it but what is done is done and all I know is that I've given it my best shot and whatever the outcome I will accept it accordingly though it may be disappointing, still I will have to swallow and accept it.

In any case, I was never an academically inclined individual as I am more of a 'survivor' - able to survive on most exams in the past.

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