Monday, June 17, 2013

Time flies ...

Can't believe it .. but time really flies it is now like 3 weeks into the new semester at the formation house. I have been busy with the routine without realization that I have been back here for sometime. Lectures resume accordingly with results from the first semester exams / assignments slowly but surely coming in from the respective lecturers/ priest. Kind of surprise that I did rather well for my first exams but now I fear if I am able to maintain or improve on these results this semester. In the event my results drop in this semester I am certain I will be questioned by the Rector as he may think I am not being serious or too confident with the subjects of study. I can't do much but to try my very best and to leave the rest to God for not wanting to be seen or considered as proud or arrogant or without any humility.

Life's routine has sunk in pretty well I must say. The gruelling task of having to wake up early in the morning to prepare for morning daily mass still at times gets on my nerve but I suppose I will never ever be used to it no matter under whatever circumstances I am at. I will just have to accept that as my own personal characteristics / the individual tread or DNA which is me and live with it for the rest of my life. Come to think of it, I don't think there are many priests who are able to like wake up early in the morning without a complaint or dreading having to wake up at such abnormal hours of the day. Still I believe it has it's own advantages in that one can actually feel the fresh cool air of the morning and be up and about earlier than most people and boast of it ...(where's my humility !)

Yes, we can never deny nor erase our past or try to attempt to change who we are. There are reasons as to why we are born with certain characters or elements compared to others. I am certain there are many instances where we would think enviously of the other person who have better characters or even outlook than us and we wanting to be that person. I for myself don't deny not ever wishing for that and even till now I would still wish to have certain characters or elements which belongs to someone else and not willingly accepting my own. But as time passes and age is catching up on me, I believe I am born with certain characters for reasons which I need to discover or kept unknown to me till the time is right. Even in terms of life's experiences, one can never try to erase one's past life experiences no matter how bad they are- and one should never do so as it has a special meaning and is the personal tread/ or element of that special particular you. There should not be any shame of it instead should try to look at it from a positive perspective in that it has shaped one into who we are today and it is never static but constantly on the move to change the course of life's direction and who we are.

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