Saturday, June 8, 2013

One week ....

Can't imagine how time really flies. In the midst of a new semester and busy preparing the whole place up for a new term not to mention cleaning one's own room, the new week is just about to end and come next week, it is a whole brand new week. Most activities would be back to normal and I suspect things are not going to be that 'easy' compared to the 1st semester. Lecturers have been hinting that they will be tougher than before and will not be that 'forgiving'....that sounds down right cruel but I believe it is for our own good too.

We can't be continually pampered as things will need to be more disciplined and our endurance being tested as it will be an uphill struggle from now on but I believe it won't be that bad as I have put it as there will be room for some kind of leniency and consideration.

Whatever it is, I still can't believe that the week is about to end and a new week emerging from behind the clouds and preparing for 2nd semester exams will need to be thought about not to mention planned soonest.

Still, the journey is a long one but - then again I am glad that a decision to enter into the formation house has been made and I am now here compared to being indecisive about my entry. At least the first step which is the hardest is out of my way and now I will need to follow the flow of things.

As for the community, in some aspect it is still uneventful - perhaps because strangely enough there is kind of like a 'stranger' feeling, a lacking of intimacy due to the events of last term or maybe we are all a bit cautious as we just met yet again after an absence of like 2 months. Maybe we will warm up yet again after a week or two.

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